Yes, You Can Become a Digital Nomad


Do you want to become a DINO (digital nomad)? If so, then you already have a good idea that these unique workers live wherever they want, do their jobs via laptops or other devices, and get the chance to travel the world while earning a living. Many young, middle-aged, and older adults dream of becoming DINOs, but few ever make the leap from theory to practice. The good news is that the goal is a realistic one for those who are willing to do the legwork.

Unless you’re a doctor, engineer, or international lawyer, it’s imperative to pick up the kinds of job skills that can support the typical DINO lifestyle. Traveling can be costly, but once you’re in place, living expenses can be much lower than they are at home. What’s the trick behind becoming a digital nomad? There isn’t one, but there are two vital tasks that you’ll need to tackle before acquiring the job skills necessary to survive virtually anywhere on earth.

The first involves making a detailed plan of attack, including how you will get the right job training, find local living quarters in target countries, and select the first location. After that, financing is the remaining piece of the puzzle. Lucky DINOs already have the job skills they need, but most people need to at least brush up on one or more areas in order to earn enough income for an on the move career. Here are the first steps to take and several of the most common jobs that DINOs choose.


Make a Detailed Plan

Many struggle to transition to the digital nomad lifestyle but carefully thought-out plans can significantly combat that. Planning is the central component of a successful digital nomad career. Even if you plan to be nomadic for a limited amount of time, like a year or two, it’s still crucial to develop an accurate plan. What kinds of details should prospective DINOs attend to? Consider getting into decent physical shape because you’ll be doing a lot of things that require stamina, like repeatedly packing and unpacking, pitching tents, cleaning up after yourself, shopping, and navigating airports and railways.

Living on the road means traveling light. Cull or store all personal belongings before setting out to the first destination. Make a list of the job skills you have and the ones you need to acquire. Make a budget and a list of the places you intend to visit. Decide how to go about obtaining the proper paperwork for entering the countries where you’ll be residing. Finally, update and upgrade computers and all devices you’ll be using for work.


Pay For Relevant Courses

Be willing to pay to acquire the most useful skills. Borrow what you need and pay for classes, webinars, in-person training, whatever, first. Get discounts on rates by paying in advance and in full. That’s why personal loans make sense. Apply for a loan after deciding how much capital you’ll need to cover training, education, and transportation costs to the initial destination. Tuition and training fees can be costly for online certifications, but some skills are easier and cheaper to acquire.

Many tend to spend the most learning how to design websites, prepare personal income taxes, and write resumes. If you can earn official certification in your chosen specialty, that’s far better than working without a credential. It’s generally much easier to find paying customers if you can put the word certified or licensed on a business card or official webpage. The most reliable ways to earn money via a computer connection anywhere in the world include the following:


Website Design

Freelance website designers work for private or corporate customers but need to have the right skills. Training is not cheap, and you should not be reluctant to pay tuition at one of the better online academies. However, the investment is a good one because skilled practitioners with little experience can earn a steady income from any location. It is critical to own and know how to use a top-notch laptop to do the work.


English Tutoring or Teaching

There are several official certifications for ESL (English as a second language) teachers or online tutors. Note that in some countries, you can make money both via a computer connection and at in-person schools. Don’t limit yourself by only taking online clients. Most certificate programs last anywhere from one to twelve months. Invest in the best and check training academy credentials before signing up for coursework.


Resume Writing

There are three major organizations that certify and test resume writers. They’re all about the same in quality, but some charge more for their training programs. Expect to study hard for about eight weeks and pass a challenging exam before receiving an official certificate. With it, you can solicit customers among recent college grads, mid-life career changers, and specialty employment niches like medicine or engineering. Assemble a portfolio of your best work and post it on a no-frills commercial website.


*This is a guest post submitted on November 15, 2022.

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