5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL

There’s no denying it – Coronavirus has taken the world by storm. It’s changed the way we live, work and play. It’s shutdown entire cities and affected virtually all walks of life. The TEFL industry is no different. There are some pretty hefty alterations afoot in the land of English teaching. This list touches on just a few of them, which, you might find, aren’t all bad news…


5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL
An empty airport | Artur Tumasjan/Unsplash


New teachers are delaying their departures


It’s not just a TEFL-related issue; it’s an industry-wide issue. The world of travel has come to something of a standstill with the latest developments in the Coronavirus saga. Flights are grounded, whole airlines are on a hiatus, hotels are shut, airports are even closed – it’s nothing like we’ve seen before (or hopefully will ever again!). Still, with so many problems facing globetrotters, it’s hardly a surprise that teachers are delaying their departures to TEFL destinations around the globe. No matter if you’re bound for the buzzing streets of Beijing in the country where the virus began or the cantina-rimmed plazas of South America on the other side of the planet, there’s likely to be a problem getting there. Best to wait it out.


5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL
Wuhan | Laurentiu Morariu/Unsplash


It’s shifted the focus from China


For years and years China was the biggest kid on the TEFL block. Before Coronavirus emerged from Wuhan late in 2019, the teaching industry in the Asian superpower was estimated to be worth a mind-blowing $4.5 billion per year! But as things escalated and lockdowns bit, lots of English tutors looked elsewhere for jobs and positions. Thailand once again hit the limelight, as did other Asian territories like Cambodia and Vietnam. But they’re not the only TEFL alternatives – from Costa Rica to Spain, opportunities that aren’t in the Far East prove plentiful.


5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL
Online TEFL | Austin Distel/Unsplash


Online TEFL is booming


The nigh on complete shutdown of schools and academic institutions in parts of China, all across Europe, and even in Latin America means that the focus of learning has shifted in the COVID-19 era. More people are home schooling and relying on resources they can get online. For the TEFL industry that means one thing: Digital jobs are on the rise. There’s been a huge increase in demand for online TEFL teachers, with big recruitment pushes from some of the major providers. We’ve upped our support for qualified graduates wanting to make the switch to teaching online – just get in touch!


5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL
Taking a course | Thought Catalog/Unsplash


More people are taking courses


Self-isolation and quarantine might be boring, but it isn’t without its upsides. People are finding time to do the things they’ve always wanted. It might be that novel you never finished, that language you never learned, or that TEFL course you’ve always had your eye on. Big upticks in the amount of people taking the plunge and embarking on an English-teaching course can only be a good thing for the industry, which, as we’ve already seen, is crying out for top-notch online teachers. So, rather than while away your isolation days with re-runs of Friends, why not get stuck into a 120-hour journey through grammar, vocab and classroom skills?


5 ways the Coronavirus is affecting TEFL
TEFL courses | myTEFL


Courses are being reduced – it’s a cheap time to get TEFL qualified!  


There’s hardly been a cheaper time to get your TEFL qualification, folks! Yep, mega reductions from course providers are coming across the board. It’s largely in response to a soaring demand for home-based teachers and rising needs for professional qualifications that can be done 100% remotely. Of course, we’ve joined in. There’s an eye-watering 35% off all of our courses right now. Just use the code ONLINE2020 when you come to check out and you’ll be learning for less in no time!



Ready to get TEFL qualified? Head over to our courses page where you can use our voucher code to get a whopping 35% off any course.

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