Trey Booth
So you’re probably sitting there, meandering through every single TEFL review spot you can think of in hopes of finding one that will teach you well after looking at the price of the CELTA and TESOL, and saying to yourself “nah”. After looking at the sheer amount of TEFL courses online, the only question that comes up is “how legitimate exactly are these things?” You can really only go with your gut and what you’ve read previously online, so you press the big red button and go ahead and press “buy”. After completing the course and witnessing the level of professionalism that the company employees have, I really have to give them my highest recommendation.
Let’s start with the course itself. This is a no-nonsense course meant to give you a straight shot into the world of TEFL. You (like me) probably have little to no teaching experience, and this is a crash-course into almost everything you’ll encounter in a foreign classroom. Whether it’s the flow of classroom dynamics, using discipline, teaching complex grammar topics, or simply deciding on a country you want to go to and knowing what to expect within the country, all your bases are covered. This course is very good about “cutting the fat” so to speak, and gets directly into what you need to know to be an effective teacher, and interviewer for the job, which brings me to my next point.
Once you’re done with the course, you’re probably feeling pretty good and confident, so it’s time for the interview process to actually get you on board. This will probably take you out of your element a little if you’re like me, but that’s okay. The staff knows what they’re doing, and not only reach out to give you pointers on your resume and get you looking up to snuff on the professional “look”, but actively help you with the job hunt. You’re able to pick and choose from a wide variety of countries that fit your wants and needs, and they have connections with established companies that aren’t out to take advantage of misinformed expats. I ended up getting an offer I applied to outside of the company, but I directly have Tyler to thank for giving me all the tips and suggestions that helped tremendously with my professionalism and confidence throughout the process.
Next stop, Shanghai.