TEFL And Teach English Online During The Corona Pandemic
The world is in a state of panic. The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 has finally reached every continent and is causing disruptions and pandemonium like most people have never experienced in their life before. Most countries have more or less shut down completely with only businesses considered “essential services” continuing to operate.
This includes grocery stores, medical facilities, and pharmacies. Apart from those, the economies of most countries have ground to a halt. Restaurants, movie theatres, bars, gyms, libraries, schools, sporting events have typically been shutdown and/or cancelled. Every country is dealing with the pandemic slightly differently but the general theme is clear; stay at home, don’t go out in public unless absolutely necessary, and don’t gather in groups.

It’s a dark and difficult time for everyone but as long as we follow protocol and lie low for a few months, it’s one that will hopefully be behind us before we know it. Self-quarantine is an effective way to curb pandemics like COVID-19 and much of the world is confined to their homes until further notice. Quarantine can be tough and lonely but that’s not to say there isn’t a silver lining to it.
Quarantine can be a time to inwardly reflect and improve on yourself once away from the distractions of everyday life. It can be a time to get to know your family better, work on personal goals or gain a skill that you previously didn’t have the time to complete.
Taking an online course like the TEFL can be a great way to put your time in self isolation to good use and come out improved with a new qualification under your belt. The course is completely online and doesn’t require you to leave your home at all. In addition, TEFL certification can be a great way to earn extra money during these times of economic hardship. With schools shut down all across the world, classes are moving online to help ensure that children meet their learning goals in time to successfully pass the semester.
While there has always been strong demand for online teachers, it has increased tenfold due to COVID-19. Teaching English online serves the dual purpose of helping students move forward with their education and helping teachers pay their bills.
At myTEFL, we’re doing our best to help our industry meet the rising demands for online teachers. We’re reaching out to many online academies to help increase job placement assistance and options for our graduates for one. We are also publishing this comprehensive guide to teaching online during the coronavirus pandemic to give aspiring online teachers all the information they require to make the transition from TEFL graduate to online teacher as smoothly as possible.
We’re also offering a 33% discount on our online courses to help with affordability during these times of economic uncertainty. If you are enrolling, enter the promo code ONLINE2020 at checkout.
So please take a read through, we’ve put a lot of time and care into this guide. We hope that it comes in handy for anyone wishing to make the most of their time in quarantine.
Stay safe and lie low out there folks. These are strange times indeed but once it’s over and the dust settles, we hope to be back at doing what we’re truly passionate about; helping our graduates travel and see the world through the power of TEFL.
– The myTEFL Staff
Teaching English Online
Teaching online is not a new industry. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching was the fastest growing sector of the TEFL industry in 2019. It mainly consists of one-on-one lessons with EFL students through a video chat platform with some resemblance to Skype. Most online companies will have their own chat platform/software that provides educational tools built into the interface for a better teaching and learning experience. Some classes may be for small groups of students, which seems to be increasing since school shutdowns.
Timing Of Online English Classes
Hours are usually flexible when it comes to setting up your own schedule but keep in mind that as the majority of Online EFL companies are Chinese based, you will need to account for the time zone differences.
For this reason, TEFL teachers in North/South America can expect to be running lessons at odd hours of their day. This can be great for night owls but not so much for people who prefer to work in the daytime. It’s definitely something to consider and take into account when deciding if teaching online is right for you. China is GMT + 800 as a reference point for would be teachers.
Online English Teaching Salaries
Online TEFL teachers are usually paid by the hour. Pay rates vary and depend on multiple factors including qualifications, bonuses and targets achieved, and experience. On average, an online TEFL teacher can expect to make between $15 to $23 USD per hour.
Part of the great flexibility with teaching online is the ability to take on as few or as many hours as you like. With some companies, you can teach as little as four hours a week or go as high as forty. It’s totally up to you.
Qualifications Required To Teach English Online
The reason that this section is titled “qualifications” instead of “requirements” is because the following are just that; qualifications. If you do not have all of the following qualifications don’t worry! There are hundreds of online companies out there and not all of them have the same requirements.
Some don’t require bachelor’s degrees, some accept non-native English speakers and some will even accept non-natives with no degree. Part of myTEFL’s job placement assistance includes recommending employers tailored to your unique profile.
In addition, the demand for online teachers is so high right now that many online employers are overlooking their standard requirements to help meet student needs.

The most common requirement for most online teaching companies is a recognized TEFL certification. Make sure your TEFL provider is accredited and produces certification that is accepted by online employers. While some employers may accept shorter certificates, a good rule of thumb is to take a TEFL course that is at least 100 hours in length as this satisfies the TEFL requirements for almost all online employers.
After TEFL certification, a bachelor’s degree is the most common requirement for online companies. The declared major is unimportant when paired with TEFL certification; as long as it’s a 4 year or longer program.
The majority of employers prefer to hire native-English speakers. This is usually proven through a passport scan. For non-native applicants, a good score/certificate in a standardized English proficiency test like the IELTS or TOEFL goes a long way.
This is not necessary for most online employers, but it can make you stand out from the competition. Even just a few months of teaching experience goes a long way. It needn’t be teaching online or even teaching English experience. Volunteer work, camp counselor style positions, and private tutoring are usually considered relevant experience by many companies.
If you meet all or most of those requirements, excellent! You’re a prime candidate for teaching online and will be able to secure employment with relative ease.
For the rest of you, once again don’t worry! You will have to put in a bit more effort to find a job upon completing your TEFL course but there are
online jobs out there for you.
Seeking Employment as an Online English Teacher
Like with any job hunt, finding a job teaching online will require some work, patience and motivation.
The huge current demand for online teachers makes securing a position teaching English much easier than usual, but at the end of the day there are no shortcuts and the best way to ensure employment success is to give it 100% of your energy.
Resume/Cover Letter For Teaching Online
The foundation of any successful job application, a resume is all about marketing yourself to potential employers.
Now is not the time for modesty. Be sure to list all your achievements and qualifications in thorough detail on your resume.
A good cover letter is also an essential part of your job application. A good cover letter demonstrates your research on the employer, attention to detail and even English language skills. We have seen so many applications come in with glaring grammar and spelling mistakes. Don’t be that person! Take your time to craft something genuine. Potential employers can tell and appreciate the professionalism and dedication.
Check Out The Following Links We’Ve Gathered From Around The Web To Help With Your Resume/Cover Letter.
- How to write a resume
- How to write a cover letter
- Resume writing tips from myTEFL
- TEFL oriented resume writing tips from Goabroad
- Resume and cover letter tips from Teachaway
- How to market yourself as an online TEFL teacher
Part of myTEFL’s job placement assistance for our graduates is help with your resume/cover letter. Once you have a draft of your resume and cover letter, please send it over to our placement team at online@mytefl.com for review and revision.

Along with your resume and cover letter, some online companies may require a short (1-1.5 minutes) introduction video. This is to introduce yourself, and to showcase your personality and vibe.
Just like with your resume, don’t sell yourself short. Quarantine means lots of time, right? Use it to craft the perfect video that will capture potential employers’ attention. Make sure to dress professionally, be well groomed, and conduct the video in a clean, quiet and neutral environment. No bathrobes, no party dresses, no friends in the video etc. Yes, we have seen all of these come in on applications before.
An introduction video is especially recommended for non-native English speakers looking to gain employment. Your video is the best way to demonstrate language fluidity and accent neutrality without putting commitment and/or time constraints on hiring managers. Even where employers do not ask for a video, we suggest all non natives submit one.
Remember, video files are huge so don’t try to attach them to an email! This is a surefire way to have your application deleted. Upload your video to a free file sharing service like https://wetransfer.com and incorporate the link into your resume.
Here is an informative article on how to record a
self-introduction video – https://www.workandliveinchina.com/self-introduction-video-guide/
Teaching Online For Non-Degree Holders
It’s true that having a bachelor’s degree opens up a whole door of extra opportunity for aspiring online teachers. But it’s not 100% necessary and one can definitely start a career teaching online without it. While you might have to put in more effort, market yourself better and face more rejection, there are online TEFL jobs out there for non-degree holders.
TEFL And Teach English Online During The Corona Pandemic
As with candidates without a degree, non native English speakers have a harder time securing employment. Many online companies tend to prefer native English speakers. However there are employers who accept qualified non-native candidates with strong English skills and a neutral accent (this can be demonstrated in your video introduction).
One strength that non-natives hold over native English speakers is the fact that they themselves have gone through the process of learning the language. This means non natives have a more intimate understanding of the difficulties faced by EFL students. This can be highlighted as an advantage in your cover letter and video introduction.
Besides a strong cover letter and video introduction, a certification of English proficiency from a standardised English proficiency test is a great asset to your job search arsenal. This includes tests like the TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS.
Here Are Some Great Online Teaching Resources For Non-Degree Holders And Non-Natives
- How to teach English online with no degree
- How to get a job teaching online with no degree
- Online companies that hire TEFL teachers with no degree
- 10 Entry-Level Online English Teaching Jobs—No Degree Required
- How to break into teaching English online as a non-native speaker
- Companies that hire non-native TEFL teachers Online ESL jobs for non-native speakers
TEFL And Teach English Online During The Corona Pandemic
As with candidates without a degree, non native English speakers have a harder time securing employment. Many online companies tend to prefer native English speakers. However there are employers who accept qualified non-native candidates with strong English skills and a neutral accent (this can be demonstrated in your video introduction).
One strength that non-natives hold over native English speakers is the fact that they themselves have gone through the process of learning the language. This means non natives have a more intimate understanding of the difficulties faced by EFL students. This can be highlighted as an advantage in your cover letter and video introduction.
Besides a strong cover letter and video introduction, a certification of English proficiency from a standardised English proficiency test is a great asset to your job search arsenal. This includes tests like the TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS.
Here Are Some Great Online Teaching Resources For Non-Degree Holders And Non-Natives
- How to teach English online with no degree
- How to get a job teaching online with no degree
- Online companies that hire TEFL teachers with no degree
- 10 Entry-Level Online English Teaching Jobs—No Degree Required
- How to break into teaching English online as a non-native speaker
- Companies that hire non-native TEFL teachers Online ESL jobs for non-native speakers
Interviewing For An Online EFL Position
Once you’ve applied with multiple online companies, chances are you’ll have a few interviews lined up within a few days.
Great! This means that the employers have taken a good look at your resume, cover letter and introductory video and liked what they saw. You have a strong chance of being hired!
You will still need to impress the hiring member through your interview so make sure to prepare. More likely than not, you will be asked to prepare and demonstrate a lesson plan to your interviewer. Don’t worry though, your TEFL course will have adequately prepared you to create and execute an impressive lesson plan.
- All you need to know to nail that online English teaching interview
- Top ten ESL interview questions
- Common online teaching interview questions

- Conduct your lesson exactly as you would in a real online classroom, unless you are asked to do something different.
- Make the beginning of your lesson strong. You may be asked to stop the demo earlier.
- As this interview is for an online teaching position, please be prepared with a clutter-free space, proper lighting, professional attire, and proper positioning in the center of the camera.
- Your interviewer will have the same lesson material on hand. No need to create a PPT, but you can prepare some visuals, e.g. flashcards or realia.
- Be energetic, engaging, and excited. Monotonous speech is boring and difficult to understand especially when you teach low level students.
- Your lesson should be age and level appropriate:
- Use gestures extensively. Incorporating helpful body language and gestures into your lesson is key for communicating with students who have little knowledge of English.
- Speak slowly and use graded language (don’t use many unfamiliar words).
- Make learning fun and have fun yourself. Keeping your lesson entertaining and interesting helps students stay connected.
- Get students to participate as much as you can. Watch your TTT (Teacher Talk Time).
- Praise students often.
While job interviews can be nerve wracking, try to relax! Your interviewer has probably conducted plenty of interviews before and will steer you in the right direction. Make sure to showcase your personality and teaching style to let it shine through in the best way possible. At the end of the day employers know you are inexperienced. They want to see candidates with basic skills (ala TEFL) along with a professional attitude.
Congratulations, you made it to the end! We hope that this guide has been helpful to you. The first step towards teaching English online is to get your TEFL certification so head over to our courses page and get started today. There is no waiting around; you can start immediately after registering for a course. Don’t forget to use the promo code ONLINE2020 to receive 33% off your online course.
If you have further questions about teaching online, please email our placement team at online@mytefl.com. For general or course information, email our administrative team at admin@mytefl.com.
Happy TEFLing and stay safe!
Seeking Employment as an Online English Teacher

Seeking Employment as an Online English Teacher

Jared Greenspan, Vietnam
MyTEFL did a great job of preparing me for teaching experience abroad. I am currently a teacher in Vietnam and I constantly use the skills I learned from myTEFL. I recommend it for anyone new to teaching who wants to learn the necessary skills to teach English. It helped me...

Ada P.T.L, Philippines
I was already teaching several ESL students when I decided to take MyTEFL’s 120-hour Comprehensive Course. And oh boy, I wasn’t disappointed at all! I got the chance to understand better the techniques that were taught to me in a shorter course that I took prior to TEFL…